Friday is Leg Day at the gym. Start off with our favorite, Squats – (Front, Dumbbell Goblet, and Barbell), then Lunges and the Weighted Sled Push. Follow it all up with a five-mile run.
Mark your progress down in your workout log book and stretch well after the session. Remember….keep hydrating, even in the rain.
UBRR Training:
Continue to prep for the UBRR.
3 x Front Squat 20-15-12 reps (lighter weight)
3 x Goblet Dumbbell Squats 20-15-12 reps (lighter weight)
3 x 10 Barbell Squats
3 x 10 Deadlifts
3 x 10 Dumbbell Lunges
3 x 10 Romanian Lunges
3 x Weighted Sled Push or Fireman’s Carry
5-mile run (40 mins. Max)
Stretch well after completion